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Vulnérabilité découverte dans OpenSSL

La dernière vulnérabilité découverte dans OpenSSL # Heartbleed affecte un grand nombre de services sur l’Internet … afin de prendre des précautions et de changer leurs mots de passe dès que possible.

Vulnérabilité OpenSSL

Change Your Passwords For These 15 Heartbleed-Vulnerable Sites ASAP

Heartbleed sent the web reeling with the discovery that the catastrophic security hole quietly left passwords and other private data open for the taking on nearly 66% of the Internet’s servers.  Luckily for Apple customers, iOS and OS X were never vulnerable to Heartbleed but some of the most popular sites and services on the Internet weren’t so lucky.

Many companies are still working to patch their hole, but Mashable has compiled a list of the biggest sites hit by Heartbleed. There’s no way to tell if your info was actually snatched by attackers, but if you have account on the following sites that were affected and subsequently patched, you should change your password ASAP

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Gmail
  • Amazon Web Services
  • TurboTax
  • Dropbox
  • OKCupid
  • SoundCloud
  • GoDaddy
  • Minecraft

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