
Liste de variables globales smarty pour Prestashop

Liste de variables globales smarty pour Prestashop

Liste utile des variables globales Smarty. Toutes les variables que vous pouvez utiliser dans les fichiers des modules et du thème.

{$base_dir_ssl}URL of your store when SSL certificate is active
{$base_dir}URL of your store
{$cart}Information about cart. Read entries below for more informations
{$cart->id}ID of customer cart
{$cart->id_shop_group}ID of shop group (multistore feature)
{$cart->id_shop}ID of shop (multistore feature)
{$cart->id_address_delivery}ID of customer address delivery (only if order was made)
{$cart->id_address_invoice}ID of customer address invoice (only if order was made)
{$cart->id_currency}ID of cart currency
{$cart->id_customer}ID of customer for which cart belongs (only if customer is logged)
{$cart->id_guest}ID of shop guest
{$cart->id_lang}ID of cart language
{$cart->recycable}Bool value if recycable checked for this cart
{$cart->gift}Bool value if gift checed for this cart
{$cart->gift_message}Gift message
{$cart->mobile_theme}Bool value if cart was created on mobile device
{$cart->date_add}Date of cart creation
{$cart->date_upd}Date of cart update
{$cart->id_carrier}Id of cart carrier (if selected)
{$cart->checkedTos}Bool value if terms of service is checked
{$img_cat_dir} URL for the directory with categories images
{$img_ps_dir} URL for the directory with PrestaShop image
{$img_lang_dir} URL for the directory with languages images
{$img_sup_dir} URL for the directory with suppliers images
{$img_ship_dir} URL for the directory with carriers images
{$img_prod_dir} URL for the directory with products images
{$img_manu_dir} URL for the directory with manufacturers images
{$img_dir} URL for the directory with theme’s images
{$css_dir} URL for the directory with theme’s CSS
{$modules_dir} URL for the directory with modules
{$mail_dir} URL for the directory with mail templates
{$js_dir} URL for the directory with theme’s JavaScript
{$tpl_dir} URL for the directory with current theme’s
{$pic_dir} URL for the directory with uploaded pictures
{$lang_iso} ISO code for the current language
{$cart_qties} Number of products in the cart
{$come_from} URL for the visitor’s origin
{$shop_name} Shop name
{$currency} Currency object (currently used currency).
{$currencies} The various available currencies
{$id_currency_cookie} ID of the current currency
{$cookie} User cookie
{$languages} The various available languages
{$priceDisplay} Price display method (with or without taxes…)
{$roundMode} Rounding method in use
{$logged} Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account
{$page_name} Page name
{$customerName} Client name (if logged in)
{$use_taxes} Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not

Prestashop 😉